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Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy

Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy – October 2024

October 2024 Newsletter

Autumn is time to get Cosy & Healthy for Winter

The clocks have gone back, the trees are ablaze with colour and we are now fully into the autumn months. This is a great time to focus inwards and be mindful of one’s health and wellbeing before the onset of Winter.

Kind regards,

Autumn Changes to your Biological Clock


Autumn is when we experience the drop in daylight hours and start to feel this effect internally. You may feel more tired and need to go to bed earlier to get a few extra hours of sleep. This is completely normal.

At the clinic we also notice that our patients report an increase in general aches and pains. Chronic aches that may have resolved over the summer months tend to come back in the winter.

So, the question is, what can be done about it? Luckily, we have a lot of advice on this…. 🙂


Time for Vitamin D

As humans, we synthesise Vitamin D from sunlight and during winter months the UK sunlight isn’t strong enough for us to do this.  From now until April, we recommend that you take Vitamin D supplements.

Vitamin D is vital on many levels –

It helps the gut absorb calcium and maintains phosphate levels so that we can keep bones, teeth and gums healthy.

It helps muscles function, reduces inflammation, promotes nervous system function, immune system function and helps with cellular growth and even glucose metabolism.

In other words, it is crucial for your health!  So, please go and take some Vitamin D supplements this autumn and winter 🙂

Keep Moving

It is so easy to stay indoors during the winter months, especially when it is raining and cold outside.

We recommend adopting different strategies to get yourself through the winter months.

  • Standing Desks. more workplaces are providing standing desks which is great.  If you use a computer or tablet at home, it may be seriously worth investing in a standing desk.  Reducing the hours that you spend sitting each day is very beneficial.
  • Group Exercises. – joining the gym, or going to weekly scheduled classes will help keep you active.  Yoga, pilates, walking groups can all be hugely uplifting and great for your physical health.
  • Plan for Bad Weather. this is fairly obvious but if you get good layers of clothing and waterproof outer wear, you can still be active outside in all weathers.  Being in nature is incredibly beneficial mentally and we have the delight of Bushy Park on our doorstep.
  • Home Chores Count as Exercise. yes, just hoovering, cleaning out the cupboards etc counts as keeping active!  Get some upbeat music on to give you an extra boost of energy.


If you need our help and would like to book an appointment, Please Call:  02089776396

If you have aches and pains, don’t wait, just call the clinic and come in and we will be able to diagnose the problem.

You can email or call 02089776396

Click the link for our website:



Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us for any reason, we are here to help and welcome any feedback. Click here for more information.