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Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy

Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy – September 2019 Newsletter

September 2019 Newsletter

Structural & Cranial Osteopaths for the Whole Family

Healthy Ageing

Wrinkles – tick!  Going grey – tick!

Age comes to us all…. fact.  As we age our body experiences various changes and we may experience more aches and pains.

However, with good management we should be able to live active and enjoyable lives in our middle and latter years.  This newsletter helps explore how to achieve this!

Kind regards,

Ageing with Optimism

You don’t have to put up with aches and pains simply because you are getting older.  Muscles, joints and bones will change with age but managing your lifestyle can enable you to keep active and find enjoyment in life well into your 90s.

Osteopathy to Help with Ageing

With the aches and pains of age people often find an Osteopath can complement their GP care and pharmaceutical products.  As Osteopaths are trained to assess each patient as an individual they will look at your personalised needs and lifestyle choices and help you find a way to be active and find enjoyment in life.

Great Advice for When you Get Older

Keep as active as possible!  Simple, but in the winter months it can be very tempting to stay indoors and levels of activity can plummet.

Here are some tips on how to stay active, no matter what the weather is like:

  • Do 150 minutes of exercise per week.  This can be in blocks of ten minutes or more (enough to make you warmer and breathe harder, whilst still being able to have a conversation).  Doing this can help reduce the risk of circulation problems and falls. It can also help to improve your mood and levels of confidence. This might include activities such as dancing, brisk walking or using a static indoor bicycle in bad weather.
  • Make sure you eat a healthy, varied diet.
  • Do some form of balance exercises each week (eg group/online Tai Chi, pilates, yoga or body balance).  This is recommended as you get older to help reduce the risk of falling, particularly if you are over the age of 65.
  • Do exercises that strengthen your arms, legs and body.  Look online for 1-2kg free weight exercises or consult your Osteopath as to what would be optimal for you.
  • Wear trainers or similar footwear which can help absorb shocks and take the pressure off your knees, hips and spine when walking for longer periods.
  • Remember, a short rest can help recover energy for the remainder of the day’s activities.

At Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy we are more than happy to give advice on local exercise classes and individual bespoke exercises to help you maintain strength and activity levels.

For Further Information please call our Osteopaths today and we can help you stay fit and healthy.  02089776396


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