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Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy

Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy – November 2019 Newsletter

November 2019 Newsletter

Do you suffer from neck pain?  We are going to use this newsletter to explore what is a ‘cricked’ neck.

As Osteopaths, we see neck pain on a daily basis so if you have any concerns or pain, do not hesitate to get in touch.

We will be able to assess and differentially diagnose the cause of the pain.  Osteopathy can help ease the muscle tension and help articulate the joints to improve movement.  Each case is individually assessed and a treatment plan formulated based on your case history and pain pattern.

Kind regards,

What is a Crick In The Neck?

A crick in the neck is not to be confused with regular, chronic neck pain.

It is usually acute and is a stiffness in moving the neck.  Occasionally, it can be very painful and the person suffering may hold their head tilted to one side.

It is not a predictable, regular pain.  It may even come on overnight with the person waking up and being unable to turn their head.

It is usually preceded by exercise or movement that creates muscle tension… such as doing a new type of exercise the day before or by lying in bed at an awkward angle.

It is pain in the neck, upper back and possibly across the shoulders but there is no pain radiating into the arms.

How Do I treat a Cricked Neck?

First rule of thumb is take some pain medication… paracetamol and, if you are medically allowed, ibuprofen.  This will enable you to begin to move the head a little bit more.

Keep your neck warm!  A crick in the neck is also muscle spasm and muscles love heat, so wear a scarf and don’t let the neck get cold.

Hydrotherapy, using a nice hot shower to ‘massage’ the neck can be beneficial.

Book to see your Osteopath.  This is important because your Osteopath will determine if you have a facet joint lock in the neck and associated trapped nerve.  With Osteopathic treatment this can be released and advice given to help you recover more quickly.

It will vary according to which level of the neck is stiff.  Some cricked necks cause complete immobilisation, others just make it difficult to turning your head.

Caring for Your Neck.

Stretching and regular massage can be really beneficial for the neck.  Your Osteopath will advise on the best stretches for you.

Keep your neck warm.  Don’t sleep in a draught and avoid air conditioning units directly sending cold air onto you.

Have good pillows.  There is no right or wrong pillow, it is all down the individual length of neck, breadth of shoulder and preferred sleeping position.  However, you are more likely to have neck pain if you sleep on your tummy.

Generally, having a firm base pillow is good.  Try a latex pillow or hollow fibre pillow.  If you love feathers, then have them as a soft top pillow.

For Further Information please call our Osteopaths today and we can help you stay fit and healthy over the Summer.  02089776396


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