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Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy

Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy – May 2022

May 2022 Newsletter

Exam Revision and Postural Tension.

It is A Level and GCSE time and increasingly, we see children and teens that experience Postural Tension from revision and sitting for exams.

As adults, we all experience Postural Tension from the repetitive nature of our jobs, computer strain and prolonged sitting.

However, it is easy to forget that our kids can have this too!  This is a stressful time for them and Osteopathy can be really helpful in easing the physical pressure of prolonged sitting and stress.

Kind regards,

What is Postural Tension?

When an Osteopath describes someone as experiencing Postural Tension they don’t mean that the person has bad posture.  Instead, the repetitive nature of an activity (for example revising for exams) can lead to the muscles of the spine showing signs of fatigue and this is what Osteopaths term Postural Tension.

Postural Tension manifests itself as a ‘slumping’ posture with exaggerated rounding of the upper back and forward  protracted shoulders.  The neck then extends and the chin comes forwards in a classic sign of Postural Tension.



How Can Osteopathy Help Postural Tension?

Osteopathy for Postural Tension aims to help the spine curve correctly, the muscles to respond without fatigue to holding us upright and to improve overall function throughout each vertebra of the spine.

Osteopathic massage of the muscles and joint articulation and manipulation are all key to helping the spinal muscles and spine to be restored to proper alignment and function.

For children and teens, some Osteopath techniques may be adapted to take into account the growing spine and muscular changes that occur at this age.


If you would like more information on how Osteopathy can help, please contact us.


You can email or call 02089776396

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