Welcome to the Autumn Newsletter from Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy!



Get those Creaking Joints Moving!

Unfortunately, the summer has been and gone and with barely a ray of sunshine! Many of us didn’t have the amount of outdoor activity that we expected and as such may not be entering the autumn as fit as we would like. It is now a perfect time of year to hit the gym and get those creaking joints moving!

When starting exercise after a break, it is always a good idea to try interval training. This is great for fitness and also lessens the initial impact on the body. The idea is to do an activity, be it jogging or swimming, in controlled bursts. For example, jog for 2-5 minutes depending on your fitness and then walk for 2 minutes. This helps stop muscle fatigue and associated injuries and yet enables one to work out for longer before exhaustion takes over!

At Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy we will happily discuss any exercise regime that you want to embark upon and give advice as to which stretches will help most and how to avoid injury.



New Member of the Team:

We would like to introduce you all to Lucy Moore who is a new osteopath at the practice. She will be working the early shift alongside Carragh starting at 08.00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This will increase our early morning availability so that it is possible to have an early appointment before going to work.

Mark OrKamFat and Hilary Callaghan are continuing with the afternoon and evening appointments on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Mark will also be continuing with the Saturday appointments. Carragh will continue to be available from 08.00 Monday to Friday.



Muscle Fact

Did you know that a muscle cannot just relax on its own accord? It needs fresh oxygenated blood in order to relax. Osteopathic massage is all about massaging fresh blood into muscles whilst applying a stretch and so therefore getting maximum relaxation and stretch into that muscle.

Therefore, those of you with chronic work/life tension would greatly benefit from a regular deep tissue massage every few months. We are very happy to provide osteopathic massage for those just wanting deep muscle tissue relief.


For any queries please do contact us at the practice on 0208 977 6396 or 07957 348 513.

Best wishes


General Osteopathic Council Registered • BUPA & PPP registered providers