Do You Suffer From RSI/Upper Extremity Syndrome?

RSI is pain in the muscles, tendons and nerves and joints caused by repetitive movements and overuse. You may experience pain, tenderness, pins and needles, cramp and pain when using the arm. The condition mostly affects the upper extremities ie hands, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders and neck.
It is often work related purely because a lot of our daily activities at work are of a repetitive nature. However, onset can occur from doing an unusual high-intensity activity for a long period of time eg pruning shrubs, using a screwdriver, sewing etc.
Other factors that might contribute to getting RSI are poor posture, stress, working in cold temperatures and poor muscle nutrition.

Types of RSI:
RSI can be divided into two types - those that are the result of a specific medical condition or those that have no specific cause and are more generalised in the upper limb.
Specific Types of RSI include:
- Tennis Elbow
- Golfers Elbow
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- De Quervain's Tenosynovitis
- STT (scaphotrapezotrapezoidal) Thumb Sprain
What To Do If You Experience RSI:
- Identify and Modify the Task Causing Symptoms. To prevent further injury it is vital to know what is causing it in the first place. Once identified you can change the task or add supports and splints to prevent further injury.
- See Your Osteopath. They can ascertain which area is damaged and tell you how to manage the problem correctly. They may advise the use of ice packs, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories), various supports/splints and will also begin treatment to aid a speedier recovery.
At Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy we see Upper Extremity Syndrome frequently. It is best treated immediately as chronic injuries can cause tissue changes in muscles, tendons and ligaments, leading to a slower recovery. At K&T Osteopathy we use other treatment modalities such as ultrasound therapy and dry acupuncture needling where appropriate for a positive outcome. Where necessary, your Osteopath will advise as to whether onward referral is recommended for steroid injections.
If you are suffering frequent pain in your upper extremity then do not hesitate to contact us for a diagnosis and advice with a treatment plan designed uniquely for you.