Do You Suffer From Postual Tension/Fatigue?

What is Postural Tension/Fatigue?
When a person experiences chronic intermittent bouts of non-specific back pain then this may be diagnosed by your Osteopath as Postural Tension/Fatigue.
This does not necessarily mean that you have poor posture but that elements of the spine are under-used and others are overworked such that the spinal muscles function poorly and tire easily. This is very common with the repetitive aspects of working life and also often occurs where a previous injury has been a causative factor.
These postural spinal muscles work subconsciously, constantly adapting to our surroundings,for example: on a boat they adapt to the rolling motion so that we can keep our balance.
Classic Causes of Postural Fatigue/Tension:
- Museum Pace Walking. Anyone who experiences back pain with slow, shuffling walking. For example: in the supermarket feeling back pain by the time you reach the tills.
- Cocktail Party Syndrome. Anyone who experiences back pain after standing still for any length of time.
All these symptoms are alleviated by fast, brisk walking or sitting down ie by allowing the postural muscles to come on/off tension rather than working in a sustained posture and fatiguing quickly.

What To Do If You Experience Postural Fatigue:
- See Your Osteopath. They can ascertain which elements of the spine are overworking and they can release the restricted areas. They can also explain the areas causing the problem and prescribe exercises to help manage spinal health.
- Exercise Correctly. There may be exercises that are actually bad for your spine depending on the problematic areas. Again, it is important to see an Osteopath so that you can understand the dysfunctions within the spine so that you can self-care correctly.
- Build Up The Stamina of the Postural Muscles. Muscles gain stamina the more they are gently exercised and then stretched. It is important to know which muscle groups to exercise as this is the key to avoid injury. Strengthening classes such as Thai Chi, Pilates, Swimming and Walking can be excellent if done correctly.
- Don't Worry!. Tension and stress are key factors in postural changes leading to postural tension/fatigue. Do not worry about your symptoms - they are extremely common and Osteopaths treat patients with this diagnosis every single day. Regular maintenance by massage and joint release with self-care via exercises and minor lifestyle changes can greatly reduce your symptoms and the effect they have on daily life.
If you experience any chronic aches and pains do not let them linger - call Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy today and we will help you.