Practice News – Sports Injury Treatment and Rehabilitation
At the practice we see many injuries as people return to exercise after a long break... the secret is to Interval Train (bursts of activity interspersed with less activity/rest) to increase ones fitness rather than to ‘beast’ oneself in one session. This helps increase cardiovascular fitness and is also more effective at fat burning than moderate sustained activity in the same period of time.
At the practice we offer full rehabilitation treatment including an exercise programme and advice on how to return to the gym safely.
What To Do in the Event of Injury:

First and foremost with any injury it is vital to immediately stop doing whatever caused the injury. Then apply an ice pack for 15 minutes per hour. Ideally, this should be wrapped in a thin towel rather than placed directly onto the skin. If there is a joint sprain then often the joint becomes swollen – in this case the area should be strapped and then elevated.
At Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy we have a combined approach to sports injury using massage, ultrasound therapy and myofascial acupuncture dry needling. Problems that we often see are:
- Achilles tendonitis (heel and calf pain)
- Tennis or Golfers’ Elbow
- Sprained Joints (eg ankles, wrists and thumbs)
- Plantar Fasciitis (pain in the feet)
- Knee Pain
- Muscle Tears
Should you have any queries with regards to the above please contact us on 0208 977 6396.