Happy Easter

Welcome to the Easter Newsletter from Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy. The practice has been very busy for the first quarter of the year and everyone is hoping that this cold weather will soon give way to the first heat of summer. There are lots of gardening injuries at this time of year as we do the Spring garden tidy up so mind your backs and remember to lift correctly.


Easter Opening Hours:

Please call the clinic to book your appointment around Easter as we have limited slots available 02089776396.

Thursday 2nd April - open as usual 08:00-20:30

Good Friday 3rd April - closed

Easter Saturday 4th April - closed

Easter Sunday 5th April - closed

Easter Monday 6th April - closed

Tuesday 7th April - open as usual 08:00-20:30

Correct Lifting Posture:

  • Plan the Lift. Decide on the lift and plan where you want the item to go. Engage your stomach muscles as you lift.

  • Keep your legs shoulder width apart with one leg slightly forward to give the lift a stable base.

  • Bend Your Knees When You Lift. Your leg muscles are incredibly strong so use them to take the strain of lifting rather than relying on your poor back to do all the work.

  • Keep the object you are lifting as close to your waist as possible to avoid overloading the back and spinal muscles.

  • Avoid Lifting and Twisting/Turning. Too many of us bend, lift something heavy and then twist to move it into a new position - this causes more facet joint strains than anything else. Whilst flexed, keep your spine straight as you lift and only turn once you are upright.

  • Know your limits! If it looks too heavy then wait for help.


For any queries please do contact us at the practice on 0208 977 6396.

Best wishes


General Osteopathic Council Registered