Changes to Opening Hours:-
We can now offer longer opening hours and ensure that you are able to have an appointment outside working hours. Pre-booked appointments are available until 8.00pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and until 8.30pm on Wednesday and Friday. Saturdays remain a popular day and so the practice is offering appointments from 9.00am until 5.00pm. However, we do ask that where possible these be booked in advance.
Welcome to a New Member of Our Team:-

Hilary has gone on maternity leave and is expecting a baby girl at the end of June. We are so thrilled for her and David and wish them all well as a family once she is born.
We are also delighted to welcome Anne Vassy to the practice as our new Osteopath. In addition to her permanent position at Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy she is kindly providing maternity cover for Hilary.
Anne qualified from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine with a Diploma in Osteopathy and Naturopathy. She is also fully qualified as a Cranial Osteopath and specialises in treating babies and children. She has come to us from the Pain Clinic at the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead where she has had full experience of working with Consultants and NHS physiotherapists.
Please see our website for further information.