Be Careful Lifting Suitcases

The number of people who wrench their shoulders or end up with back spasm over the summer holidays is far too high and often it starts loading/unloading the car or grabbing the bags at the airport conveyor belt. Remember to engage your lower abdominal and core muscles before lifting. Bend your knees rather than your back and avoid any torsion or twisting whilst the back is under load.
Avoid Too Much Time on a Sunlounger

Lying on your tummy on a sunlounger or sand can often lead to lower back ache. There is no support to the spine when lying prone and this, especially when combined with reading, can lead to over-curving and extending the spine causing the facet joints to jam together. If you do wish to sunbathe on your stomach then place a pillow or folded up towel under the abdomen to support the spine and avoid staying in one position for any length of time.
Take your Own Pillow

If you suffer from neck ache then it may be advisable to pack your home pillow. If this isn't practical, then get one of the thinner hotel pillows and stack a folded-up towel underneath it until the right height is achieved. Do not sleep on pillows that are too high for you as that can cause neck joint locking.
Keep Moving

Holidays are all about a change of pace and routine but 'relaxing' to the point of total inactivity is bad for the body and can cause joint and muscle stiffness. Keep moving throughout the day with gentle walks, swimming and other sports you enjoy.
So Keep in Mind our Top Tips for Having a Healthy Happy Holiday!