The Practice Motto for 2015 is:

Life is a journey and has its pitfalls, both emotionally and physically. Being aware of oneself and the environment around us can become a fundamental way of monitoring our health - both in physicality and psyche.
By asking oneself on a daily basis "How am I today?" it is possible to form a response by becoming aware of the physical nature of our body and also the mental state of our mind. The acknowledgement of how one feels on a physical and mental plane can then inform better decision making processes.
For example; if your response is "my back is aching and I feel stressed" then the answer may be as simple as getting an early night or not spending that extra hour on the computer. Obviously, it may also be that it is time to book that appointment with your friendly Osteopath to get a quick 'fix' to prevent problems building up!
So try a 2015 approach of Self-Awareness and see how your journey though life improves!