Are You Planning on Going Skiing or Snow Boarding?

Many people have plans for skiing this Half Term and Spring and we are happy to help with any pre-existing injuries before your holiday. Planning well is the key to happy skiing… We can help with injury prevention by giving advice on how to care for yourself prior to and during your skiing week. Mark does Kinesio-Sport Taping which will stay on for your entire week of holiday – it is waterproof and will provide added protection against injury. So, should you have a previous weakness in leg muscles or joints or in the spine please let us know and we can help you.
Should you injure yourself Skiing or Snow Boarding the cardinal rule is always RICE for any sprains or muscle injury in the first 48 hours.
R is rest the area that you have injured. Continuing to use the injured limb will not enable the healing process to start and can do more damage.
I is apply ice to the area that you have injured. Usually ten minutes per hour and wrap the ice pack in a tea towel rather than apply directly to the skin.
C is compression for the area you have injured to reduce swelling. Try an elastic bandage.
E is elevation for the area you have injured to help reduce swelling eg twisted ankle.
We are happy to receive emails or texts from the mountain should you just need some quick advice!