Top Tips to Help Avoid Injury when Returning to Fitness:
- After a period of rest such as in the winter months, it is always important to return to fitness slowly. Pace yourself with interval training. For example, if you plan on running then start by jogging for 2-5 minutes and walking for 1-2 minutes. Gradually stretch out the intervals as your stamina improves.
- Wear the correct footwear. Running shoes, walking boots/trainers are vital to prevent injury and ideally should be fitted correctly. Remember, if you plan to start running then your trainers will need to be a size bigger to make room for toe movement and swelling of the feet.
- As you return to activity and using your muscles again, you may be sore for days 1 and 2 after exercising. Plan to do more gentle exercise on those recovery days, for example a walk, swim or stretching class.
Obviously, should you begin exercising and experience any pain lasting longer than 3 days, then you should seek advice immediately. At K&T Osteopathy we want to see injury when it is new so that we can help get the body out of acute inflammatory pain and into the healing phase as soon as possible. Should you experience any mechanical back pain, knee/hip/ankle/foot pains then come to us as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment advice.
In the meantime, enjoy the longer days and the beautiful park and river walks that we have around us in this area.
